Ghunghat ke pat khol telefilm
Ghunghat ke pat khol telefilm

Ghunghat ke Pat Khol -Kabir Open even a slit in your veil and you will see the Beloved. I never expected there would be another kind of psychic, spiritual spark.


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ghunghat ke pat khol telefilm

Aji used to sing these kinds of songs and introduced me to the non-English poetry of their lyrics. Remembering her, here is a translation of a Kabir bhajan/poem that I particularly love.

ghunghat ke pat khol telefilm

I could hear its clicking as I sank into the water to see its body. Last night I dreamed of staying in the water just outside my home too late with Jordan and suddenly a dolphin swam up to us and between us. This is her 'engagement ring.' I wear it at night sometimes hoping that I will meet her in the dream world.

ghunghat ke pat khol telefilm

Today would have been my Aji's 95th birthday. Please upgrade to a supported browser.Dismiss. The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported. Ghunghat ke pat khol re, tohe piya milenge ghunghat ke pat khol re, tohe piya milenge ghunghat ke pat khol re ghat ghat me tore, sayin basat hain ghat ghat me tore, sayin basat hain kathu bachan mat bol re tohe piya milenge, ghunghat ke pat khol re tohe piya milenge, ghunghat ke pat khol re dhan joban ka garb na kije dhan joban ka garb na kije.

Ghunghat ke pat khol telefilm